Getting back on track after a lot of hustle and bustle. SEATTLE is great, but being stuck in traffic isn't and there's a lot of it around here. j33z I don't even know where to begin. BUT a lot of people surprisingly asked me why I didn't keep this up(mainly probably just my sister ROBYN(g-chatting me when i'm just in the other room).
Right now I can't find my pictures :( my old iphone is my main camera but I'm working on upgrades eventually. I figure everyone will facebook me pictures anyways.
This week has been super busy and productive. Exhausted from playing in my first official soccer game since I was 11. So much fun, but working 8 hours @ CABLEPALOOZA(seriously that was the name) throwin crab cakes, vietnamese spring rolls, and 'a sesame crepe with asian duck and a little arugula' at peoples chitter-chattering lovely faces the next day has me aching. Haha but it was pretty fun and working on the water front has it's perks. Also got some cool free swag(MAN v. FOOD cooking aprons!)and touch L.E.D lights(probably perfect for camping!) so it was alright.
HAHAHAHAHA while in traffic today I seriously contemplating driving with a mannequin in the passenger side all dressed up because I was going CRAZY. Found out the air conditioner didn't work but luckily Seattle @4pm with the windows down is 85 but still just sitting in the car changing the radio station and hearing that SAME FRIGGIN EMINEM WHOEVER GIRL SONG was wearing me down. I don't think I was ever happier to get to work and out of the car in a while.
Working weddings all weekend and trying to help my mom out with her shop. To help I have to do the one thing that made me change my major in college and hate business stuff = ACCOUNTING. Going to attempt to help map out the sales of the shop and work on getting some sort of cool graphic exel chart things(SO EASY) just to try and document what really sells and what lags.
Also really trying to get everyone pumped up around here. I used to love DVRing everything but this household take it to the EXTREME. Unfortunately I have taken a turn for the worse also and can't play online chess for maybe about 2 hours a day. I was(am) even contemplating going to the Seattle Chess Club to their once a week 'Meet & Play' every FRIDAY NIGHT @ 7pm. And I think I'll beat like 2 people there!!!!
We'll see how my Friday night will turn out! Much more to say but I want to keep the audience interested (HA). Hmmm let me find a picture I can put up I need something on here!