I'm stoked! It's even getting a little colder here right on que. Could see my breath when I went for a walk tonight...I can see the Milky Way it's so dark out here at night. The neighbors house behind us has an apple tree in the back and my mom said that she's seen deer eating them!! They just started to fruit so maybe I'll see some deer when I wake up.
Now that it's super foggy in the morning I think I'm going to go trail running when it's like that..I bet it would be a great experience....Maybe I'll bring a camera lol, it'll be like 'YES MAN'...'REDBULLLllll!'
Had so much fun with the kids @ the game and got our bobble head! I want to try and go to another game while I'm here...I feel a foul ball or even a BP homerun would be nice.

And wanted to tweet this sucker right after I took it, but I'm so lazy and really need a smart phone so I can just tweet my little heart out with ease. Everyone should get twitter.

It was funny I was looking at my mom's calendar she has at her shop. Right over the 19th it said 'Brian's 27th birthday'.....gnarly! So stoked I'm going back to Japan in October I didn't really plan anything for my b-day...hopefully I'll just get to see everyone before I go back out there.
I really think a little more time will be good for me out there. All my friends are doing great and I'm not really worried about anyone without me here. Going to miss the family but they'll be ok too. Thinking about possibilities in England for the holiday's too! Rather 'proper' I would think...might have a different feel. Lol it'd sure be a lot nicer than Japan during Christmas.
Things are coming together in J-land happenings. Just got my receipt for my ticket in the mail...it was shocking see actual proof of hopes and aspirations on a piece of paper...ONE MONTH AWAY. Still figuring out where I'm going to live...found a couple apartments to choose from but without really looking at them it's hard to decide. There's plenty of options when it comes to where to stay for a week or so if I decide to peep them out beforehand.
Most important though is picking what mountain I'm going to get my season pass @....
@ Misaka; closest...least amount of park
@ panorama; not as close, little bit of park, biggest resort
@ fuji-ten; best park, farthest, most crowded, maybe smallest resort. but on mt.fuji.
Working a lot on the weekends which is great...on that paper chase!!!!!!