Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008

The fellow on my right is my friend Fred. Way cool dude from France with an English accent who's pretty damn funny actually. That's his Suby on the left and it is a very very cool car. We drove out to Fujioshida last night and we got there really fast :) because he's a crazy fast driver which is also awesome. I met up with AJ's friend Jyoti, who is a killer cool Aussie chick where we had dinner then met up with AJ at a party. What was great about dinner is the bartender gave us free dessert!!!!! it was like a half tofu half cheese thingy with strawberrys and raspberry sauce.
After this party Jyoti, our friend Ann, and I were heading home. I really wanted a beer nightcap and they mentioned there was a beer vending machine, which I haven't even seen yet! We go and unfortunately couldn't get any some people were walking up we asked why after staring at the machine and pressing all the buttons and cursing at it like drunk idiots. They said they turn off at a certain time each night(lol) because of underage drinking.
This is when they invited us to drink with them....and they were actually firefighters going to their firehouse to drink! So we ended up chilling at a firehouse eating octupus cracker thingys(which were actually good!) and me laughing histerically just about the whole time!!!! These guys were hallarious and Jyoti and Ann are very good at Japanese so I just did my best to listen and when they asked me questions I would spurt out something that was actually not bad Japanese = w00t I'm learning!
Fujiten the next day(today) was great!
I finally did find a vending machine that worked @ Fujiten~!!! It snowed a couple inches in the morning too which was great. I'm jealous of all my friends in Fujiyoshida because the resort is only a 30 minute drive!!!! But still was very very fun!
They even have places to give your board a bath get all the snow off and a compressed air gun to dry everything off which was pretty cool!!!!!! I had a great time and chllin with Fred and Jyoti was great! No jibs unfortunately but I was still having a lot of fun with all the natural stuff there. I think that's why I like snowboarding so much because it's up to you to figure out how much fun you're going to have!!!
Now that I've generally got all this stuff figured out I will be posting more and more!! I'll fill everyone in with some past stuff too. Tomorrow I'm going to Tokyo so more will be up soon I hope everyone is having a great holiday I keep hearing Wham's "Last Christmas" everywhere here I think it's the most popular xmas song in Japan!!!!!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
December 8th, 2008
I've been in Japan for a one month and 3 days and i'm having the time of my life. Bare with me in the blog because everything is in Japanese and it may take me some time to get things up and running. Life here has been very good and my budget has been almost exact, with my getting paid on Wendesday (YESSSS) and only barely making ends meet.
This past month has been great, I've met a lot of new friends and started to get into a nice grove at work. My job is great, I work at a place called UNITAS, which is an after school language school. I teach kids ranging from 4 to 70! The kids classes are fun but it's really great to teach adults that really try hard to learn english. It makes me feel a little weird having a lack of Japanese knowledge but it's interesting to discover the words and sayings they don't know that we don't even realize we say all the time.
For example, when I explain "What's up" and "How's it going?" For "How's it going" you can't say "not much" right!? and the opposite goes for "What's up" and when that happens you get those auto responses from "tools." Although I have yet to explain what a tool is little things like this pop up in just about every class and it's very fun and interesting to try and explain how much slang, or idioms we use in our day to day life.
As I said everything is going well and I recently got a bike this past week too, it's great to be able to cruise through Kofu(where I live) on bike because with how much traffic there is and no parking a bike is ideal in a city like this. Thanks to the help of my best friend AJ (formerly known as the person known as Amanda) I have met great people and even a new click to go snowboarding with, which I shall be doing this Sunday (12/14).
Other than that not much has changed i'm still the same Brian you all know, just far away!!!!! Please check back from time to time I will try and update this at least once a week if not more. Even though mostly everyone I will send this to talks to me on Facebook or Myspace I've been saying I was going to make a blog and I am....It gives me a chance to elaborate more on some of the things I don't say in chit chat with all my peeps across the Pacific. I hope everyone's holiday season is going well and you should all drink some egg nog for me because I can't find the stuff around here which = :(