Also, one of my students gave me's called Jamaica but it's a pretty fun math game...she uses it on her students.
And I was supposed to play tennis today :(
Ok so here's how it works! The two black dice you add up and that's the number you need to reach. You do this by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing the other numbers to get the total of the black numbers added up. This time it's 26...
Alright so please try and if you're still confused(insert name here) I'll explain :)
This one was easy though...alright so you need to get 26 right. What I did was add the 3 + 2 + 1 = 6...multiply it by 4 = 24, then add 2 = 26. Alright well it may not be the hardest but sometimes it gets a little tricky.
Ok so that's what i'm doing while it's raining.... here's what's been going on while not raining!!!

If you look really hard in that last one you can see a gray and black wild pig!!! And it almost charged on us....Probably the scariest thing yet I've encountered in Japan. On this hike on went on to see those beatiful waterfalls I also a monkey in the trees the size of a 2 year old!
Earlier on in the week I went up to the mountains and shot some arrows and bbqed all day!! Very fun stuff I recommend trying it :) Here's some of our food we grilled up....the first and last photo shot by a friend of mine...Eric, you can probably notice the diff becaus he has a really nice camera!

Anywho that was the past week in a nutshell....BBQed up in the mountains yesterday with some friend while raining..very fun!!!! This week is a holiday week, it's called Golden Week and a very busy time for commuting around japan. So I basically relaxed and did my thing. Caught up on some movies ie...
Royal Tenenbaums - so funny
Me, myself, & Irene (never a matter of fact it's still buffering)
Shoot em Up!
ohh and finished Chuck season 2
...unfortunately I don't think there is going to be a 3rd season...ohh well. ohh...also finally planted my seeds my mom sent me...we'll be seeing pics of jalapenos sprouting soon and i will have day by day(!) photos hopefully :) I hope everyone had a good cinco de mayo....PEACE
nice entry. that food looks so good. ryan is cooking some sweet and sour chicken atm.
shaun of the dead is on right now and i havent seen it all the way through yet... pretty hilarious (and gross).
if you liked Heat, you should check out "Righteous Kill" its got De Niro and Pacino in it. i got a little cough and ive been watching lots of movies :( i dont want to get sick boo !!!
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