Saturday was great, had a buddy e-mail me in the morning saying he's coming in from Tokyo to kick it. I was stoked, and he wanted to snowboard...I need more friends like my bud David out here! We had a great time...and he's expecting a kid so grats to him. As you may have noticed yesterday(Saturday) was a full moon. Did you know that that bright star next to it was actually Mars...!
I took this right before we went night riding...the moon was looking big, that's Mar's off to the left. LOVE MY CAMERA PHONE!

We had pleasant evening then got some ramen at the shop right next to my house. Had some drinks with some friends, played a little darts, and even hiked up the castle to check the view at night.
Then today(Sunday) I went to Charteriesse ski resort! It was a jungle out there!

Well that last one's supposed to be a rabbit...I don't think you see too many of those in the jungle! This ski resort is very cool! Pretty close to my house(a little over an hour) and the lifts go VERY fast so I was able to get a lot of runs in. So happy too a lady was nice enough to sell us her passes since we got there around 1pm and she was already headed out! That doesn't happen often in Japan. Smashed with some of the local dudes for a sec too...haha it was pretty funny, I was in the lift line with one of the really good dudes and he waved to me like I was his homie since we were doing some tricks right next to each other.
For most of the day I was the only American there! Which is always a bit of a trip, then I saw some friends when the lights turned on for a night time session. The day went super well and I'm getting very comfortable riding anything, anywhere, any which way on a snowboard!
Hmmm,what other funky pics did I take since my last post...Oh! Grabbed this at a train station...little Hello Kitty snowboard resort guide :P

..ohh and got some snacks for a long Friday at work, is there something odd here?