Sunday, November 21, 2010


As I sit here, at my friends house after the vaults 7th anniversary(that's where I work now btw) boiling water to drink my hot sochuu with my friends who came in from Tokyo to play who are asleep already. I actually appreciate the job I have and realize being from las Vegas can help in some ways. 5:01 says my iPhone(which I'm typing this on) and one quick nightcap to finish off this crazy day. I'll be updating a little more, things have been pretty hectic and I've gathered up a lot of pics and videos on this thing since I've been back in japan. I can't believe it's been 5 weeks already... I also can't believe how well I can type on this little phone.

Went to my first Japanese style wedding today... Everyone would know this if their on twitter( thank goodness a couple people on here are with it)... Super fun but tying in work after was pretty hectic. Waters about to boil!?!???!? Jya ne

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