With that said it's hard to really start because for two days I did an incredible amount of stuff!!!
My weekend is Sunday/Monday too fyi. Saturday night chilled and went to a mexican restaurant, which was my first mexican in japan so far besides what I tried to make at my house a few times...it was alright and I really couldn't complain. Drinking a Corona got me a little nostalgic about bar-b-queing with my good friends in Las Vegas, since it was my first Corona out here as well. Sunday I went up to Nagano with some friends for the day to do some spring time condition riding.
There has been a strange warm front here the past couple of weeks...pushing the weather to seriously about 70 to 75 degrees during the day and just a little less at night. The weather was amazing...but it all stopped yesterday really and I was upset it didn't last while I waiting for my train which was delayed 45 minutes and made me miss a class too :(
With my shredding/progressing since last Wednesday(2/11) I have learned and stuck(landed) new tricks consistently enough to casually use them whenever I am riding rails and boxes. WHICH IS AWESOME! At nagano I was nose-pressing rainbow boxes all day( for you non-snowboarders that = balancing on just the front of a board with the rest of the board flexed on a wide rail made of plastic shaped like a rainbow, or as the japanese call it "arc" :P) and also frontside 360ing boxes toooo. All in all it was very fun and I was looking extra fly because my lady sent me some pretty rad gear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After Nagano I showered and was on bus to Tokyo within 40 minutes of getting home. I wanted to get into Shinjuku around 8:00 so I could kick it with some other friends that were in the city and really enjoy myself. I went into Tokyo because I was actually in a commercial on Monday and needed to get in early because Kofu is friggin far away and the shooting for the commericial started @ 7:30!
So basically I threw a bunch of shit in my backpack and was off. UNfortunately with that stuff and the rush I forgot my camera & i-pod but whatever there's a camera on my phone and I could always listen to the sounds of the city riiight!!! I get in and meet my friend at the station, I told him to follow the sound of the weird Japanese punk band playing and sure enough...5 minutes later he tapped me on the shoulder in front of this weird punk band :p We went to Ginza to meet up with a homie I also got in on the shoot, had some beers said goodbyes and we went off to Chiba where they were going to have the shoot!
My friend David wanted to stay in a hotel with his girlfriend(understandable) so she(her girlfriend is Japanese) hooked me up with a reservation @ a capsule hotel place!!! I've never actually seend one of these places before and was oddly stoked to be staying in one. Partly because the last time I came to Tokyo, honestly everyone asked me if I stayed in one, and I told them to not believe everything they see on fast and furious 3...RIGHT!!!! Anyways here's a couple pics I took on my celly of the capsule I slept in...lol capsule 441~!!!!!!

I honestly could not have had a better time! In the morning I even woke up early to notice they had an onsen(hot spring bath) and steam room too!!! I was stoked!!! Monday I met up with my boy and we took a monorail( which was tight because it's basically a subway with the cable on the roof of the subway instead of the bottom) to Chiba Port Arina where the commercial took place. LOL They specifically told me not to blog about this so i'll respect until the commercial is out but it was for a new beer they're going to release and I got to meet a couple of pro athletes and just sit in a stadium and pretend to look surprised!!! I was actually in the front row so once it's released I'm hella gonna look for me!!! I'll try and get a copy of the vid too for you peeps!!!!
After that just chilled in Tokyo! Went to Rippongi, supposedly a really cool spot but other than sick architecture I think I need to come at night to really appreciate it. Went to Ueno park...which is a really big park in Tokyo. Met up with a friend in Sibuya and had a couple beers before I took off. It was another great weekend and am really looking forward to this week. Going to chill and really work on my Japanese, or so I say every week which amounts to little getting done. Hey!! at least I blogged !! lol I'll try and get some more pics up.
Don't think I'll be snowboarding because that warm front made for crazy springtime conditions and slush so I'm thinking everything right now is an ice cube until we get some fresh snow so I may be rock climbing over the weekend or who the heck knows I NEED TO GET IN SHAPE!!!!! Take it easy all!