Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Whoa I'm a horrible speller...

I meant to say no time to be wasting time but totally butchered that line....

I'M SICK AGAIN!!!!!! This time though it's a little more serious, goin to the doctor tomorrow...YUCK I FEEL LIKE...well I don't feel good. Anyways, I said in a comment that there's a lot of Hello Kitty around, I meant a lot!

and it's strawberry scented too!!

Went to a winery over the weekend, pretty fun...was walking to the vineyard and saw this house hanging parsimmons. In Japan there are two types, these you have to hang so all the bitterness falls to the bottom or something. There were about 10 houses doing this but only took a snap of one.


Jane said...

Not sick again! Brian get well soon, take care of yourself!! We all can't wait to see you...

Chelsea said...

that toilet paper is rad.