A typhoon is coming!!! and the weather is great, maybe why I liked living in Seattle so much. The weather over the weekend was very nice though and Sunday just did some bike riding around the city, fed some fish, chilled out at the park and ate dried squid! I think I realized I'm pretty acclimated to things around here when I walk into a combini and this is what I set my sights on..

oolong tea is the bizniss around here I probably drink 5 of those bad boys a week!
Anywho things are going pretty good over here. Just found out a ski resort opens 10/17 which is ridiculous!!! What's even better is if you wear a costume you get in free??? Any ideas on what I should be...lol for some reason I was thinking I should be a banana. That would just look pretty amusing coming down the mountain and doing some tricks as a banana :P
Lately I've been speaking a lot of Japanese!!! I'm super motivated because conversation with some of my friends is really funny! Speaking is probably what I like most about living in Japan, and understanding...I was at Denny's today doing a little tutoring and overheard a conversation and understood it. Haha sounds funny writing but I was happy about it. Also today at a different part time gig I though maybe I should be a teacher!!! This was while playing with kids at my kindergarten and a tiny lobster was basically being tortured by three 4 year olds. What a time for an opiphany!!! The poor guy was in a portable tank with like an inch of water, and the kids were moving it around with the handle of a jump rope. Basically it didn't look happy but I was able to tell them to calm it down you wouldn't be so happy if you were him right now :)
But, I want to be a science teacher...teaching English really isn't too fun. English is rough!!!!! So many little things that are funky with this language it's crazy, happy it's my first to say the least. I figure high school science(like biology) would be awesome. Or maybe anatomy. Something fun to talk about you know?!?!?
Aight here's some other pics of the weekend.... Sunday at the castle doin some frisbee action!

also took a pic around sunset of my city!!! HELLO KOFU!

This next one is pretty funny. Lately I've been picking Chi-chi up and using here as a guitar whenever my only Ramones song comes on... Judy is a punk. It's really fun because she lets me...but when I get really into it I use her paws as a microphone. Hey it's better than an air guitar :) I call it... "Guitar Kitty!" very original I know.

As I posted Miss Chi-chi decided to lay down and put her head right on my left forearm...lol now every time I type I feel bad because he head's moving all over the place :(
Anywho... check out what I picked for part of my dinner tonight. And lately, the jalepeners are just a touch spicy.... = NICE. Ohhh, fresh basil with pasta = happiness.

did a little pasta with scallops, veggies, and vino. Not a bad busy day off. Ohh...check out some of my students... Here's my favorite Friday class!

and Saturday sisters... Kimiho(glasses) and Nichika...they came in early and were cracking up at how I was dipping my bagel in my yogurt(no cream cheese!). Nothing wrong with that!

Alrighty that about sums things up! Hope to hear some costume ideas!!!! Basically I'm talking to you Katie since you're the only one that reads this! Or maybe my good bro Ryan Sims(Holla) but he's busy being a news anchor(really!!!).
ようううううううううっし :)